I’m Found

I’m dreaming
I’m dreaming
I’m dreaming
I’m dreaming again

Once again I stare blankly into the sky
Does it stare back into me?
I watch I see I wait I wonder
I wonder about the people on the street below
Do they wonder about me, standing at the window
Watching them?

I’m seeing
I’m seeing
I’m seeing
I’m seeing once again

Faces swimming before me, their lives laid out
In clear pathways that I can see.
I watch I see I wait I wonder
I wonder why it’s their lives so clear to me
And why the closer they get the more they fear
The more unclear they seem.

I’m waiting
I’m waiting
I’m waiting
I’m waiting again

The answers elude me, slippery like eels
I grasp them and they’re gone again.
I watch I see I wait I wonder
I wonder why every time I feel I’ve solidified
Why I find myself adrift once more.

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